Plans Nearby-Explore your area


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Plans Nearby is your one source to finding the best events and places to go in your area. Find the best places to eat, drink, or go sight seeing to the most popular destinations in your area.If you are in a new city and don’t have anybody to recommend a place to go, Plans Nearby is your friend. If you are hungry checkout the most popular restaurants around you or search ahead by entering a city. Find the most popular places to drink and hangout, or see what events are taking place around you.
Plans Nearby Features
*Customize events results by choosing the categories that interests you.*Explore new restaurants, sights, events, and popular venues around you.*View events and venues around you with current location or search by city*Add your favorite restaurants, bars, venues or places to your saved list and explore them later.*Get details for events and popular venues such as, rating, tips, reviews, address, and images*Start navigation directly from the app*Facebook login integrated to share events and new venues with friends.*Add events directly to your calendar*Discover things to do in and around your area
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